Thursday 1 November 2012

Nicki, Nicki, Nicki

On Sunday night I went to Nicki Minaj's Roman Reloaded tour at Newcastle's Metro Radio Arena. My reason for going wasn't so much for her music, although I am a fan, but it was more for the fact I knew she would put on a good show. I wasn't wrong either. What did suprise me however was her costume choices. I have always admired Nicki's bravery when it comes to fashion because she always wears fun and quirky outfits and doesn't appear to take any notice of what the rest of the world thinks.

Nicki's outfit choices for this particular night werent quite as outrageous as I expected. There was very little PVC and inflatables and more leather, sequins and denim. Whatever she wears Nicki seems to pull it off in a way very few others could. It's all part of her persona and likeability and I personally don't think she would be taken seriously any other way. She actually made the outfits seem quite normal? and perhaps even fashionable... if I dare say that.

It's her way of standing out and getting herself noticed and it has obviously worked for her. So even though I won't be rushing to the shop to buy a pink wig just yet, I think we should all take inspiration in her creativity and willingness to wear whatever she likes and make it her own despite the pressure of the many fashion critics out there. Strangely enough the stage for the show was designed to look like a shopping mall with 'The Nicki Minaj Collection' store in the centre. Could this be a sign of things to come? I look forward to the wierd and wonderful outcome if it is.

Well Done Nicki!


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