Woman on a Mission

Mission Statement:
I'm a 20 year Media and Journalism Student at Northumbria University. I have dreams of being the next Guiliana Rancic or dare I say it Anna Wintour. This blog is my way of getting my voice out there and practising my writing. I realise I'm not the best writer and my images leave much to be desired, but I'm learning and I'm trying and appreciate any guidance!
My entries will be mainly focused on fashion and beauty with the odd lifestyle entry mixed in there. You will notice I have a slight shopping addiction (my bank account is not my best friend) and I'm a little bit obsessed with painting my nails but who isn't?
I'll aim to blog every couple of days but sometimes if I have a lot of uni work to do that will be a lot less, so bare with me and hopefully you wont mind the wait.
I'm always open to feedback good or bad so leave a comment or...
Send me an email to: chloe.donnelly27@gmail.com
Or follow me on twitter: @CloDonnelly
Look forward to hearing from you!

P.s. Meet Archie, the other addiction in my life, because lets face it a dog in a bow tie has got to be one of the cutest things you've ever seen. Follow for more of these!

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