Monday 5 November 2012

Ciate Caviar Manicure

I have been DYING to try the Ciate Caviar Manicure ever since I saw a picture of it on Millie Mackintosh's twitter feed months ago! But it seems I wasn't the only one as it sold out almost immediately and I was stuck on a waiting list for months and the only retail stockist is all the way in London. So when my birthday came around last week and my brother announced a trip down to London I knew excatly what to ask for.

For those of you who don't know the concept of the caviar manicure is microbead applied on top of the polish to give an almost 3D effect. In my eager anticipation I purchased microbeads from ebay for just £1.99, Ciate retails for £18, and it did the trick but you just can't compare to the original in this case.

The manicure is very fiddly and can get quite messy. I would reccomend having a easier way of pouring the beads to prevent them going everywhere! However the end result is great for a special occasion or a night out. It isn't practical for much else and doesn't last too long as I soon find out but you definately have to try it!

The finished look definately had impact!

The tray provided is a life saver for all the left over beads!

Ciate do provide a funnel to help pour leftover beads back into the bottle to prevent loosing half the bottle on every use making it last longer!

Love this! Excuse the messyness! It was done in a rush while waiting to shop I cleaned this up later with a cotton bud and nail polish! I would recommend spending a while doing it properly to get it perfect!
Get yours now!

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