Tuesday 26 March 2013

Share your imperfections...

So I have been doing this blog for six months now and I am yet to share with you the biggest set back I have when it comes to making beauty purchases. But I feel now is the time to let you know about my 'imperfection', I know, I know you thought I was flawless right? Thought so. Anyway for about five or six years now I have suffered from very sensitive skin. It is something that my Mam and cousins have suffered with for years but to me it came later on in life.
To anyone who has sensitive skin or any form of Dermatitis such as Eczema will know there can be more serious cases than others. At the beginning I had eczema on my legs to the point where my legs were cut and scabbed and incredibly sore. I would not even consider getting them out in public.
Then as if I was not already body conscious enough three years ago I developed contact dermatitis on my right hand. 'Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin that occurs when you come into contact with a particular substance. Contact dermatitis is a type of eczema that can cause red, itchy and scaly skin, and sometimes burning and stinging. It leads to your skin becoming blistered, dry and cracked.' (Taken from the NHS website).
My hand on a good day!
As you can imagine this was pretty irritating. Especially considering we are yet to find the substance that is creating the problem. I believe it to be many things. Anyway it can be really sore and to the point where I don't even want to touch anything it hurts that bad and I have been driven to the point of tying my hands behind my back to stop me itching. This is quite a sensitive subject to me and something I am quite embarrassed about, to the extent I am often shy about holding hands with my boyfriend (of four years) because I am worried about my hand feeling horrible against his.
Anyone with a similar condition has probably like me explored every cream, lotion and antibiotic the doctors have to offer. So it is then I set myself out to find products that work best for me. I have to evaluate everything I use on my skin from hand wash to fake tan.
The reason I have decided to share this with you is I feel I could use this blog to share the products I have found with other people with a similar condition and hopefully we can help each other and for the rest of you, the products I will share in most cases can be used by anyone to help soften and look after your skin.
I would love to hear your comments on products you have tried if you have sensitive skin or even if you don't. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Well done for putting yourself out there like that. I don't have particularly sensitive skin, but I'm sure this will help someone, which is lovely :) Also just noticed from your twitter that you're from Newcastle - me too! I'm also studying journalism, but at Sunderland Uni. Haha. Small world!


